Google Maps now shows real-time location of Rapid Bus, Go KL and Smart Selangor buses in Klang Valley

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Rapid Bus commuters are now able to check the real-time location of Rapid KL buses on Google Maps thanks to a partnership between Prasarana and Google. The new feature on the navigation app covers nearly 170 bus routes in the Klang Valley including LRT and Go KL feeder buses as well as Smart Selangor buses.

According to Prasarana, commuters were previously only able to know the real-time location of buses by inquiring with Rapid KL. From January to April 2020, Rapid KL received 4,865 inquiries, of which 60% were from those wanting to know the locations or frequencies of buses.

The integration with Google Maps offers commuters the ability to better plan their travel routes using a combination of buses and rail services, with bus stop information and estimated travel times. Moving forward, Rapid Bus plans to expand real-time location tracking to include MRT feeder buses followed by rollouts to Rapid Penang and Rapid Kuantan buses.

The real-time update is identified by a timing indicator underneath the location of the bus stop on the app, with green meaning the bus is on schedule, red meaning delay, and black indicating real-time tracking is not available at that moment. You can also view a bus’ progress on the route or on the map itself, so try it out and let us know what you think in the comments section.


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