Tesla’s Next Gigafactory Will Be in Texas

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  • Tesla CEO Elon Musk announces that next Tesla Gigafactory will be in Texas.
  • The new facility will be where the Cybertruck and Tesla Semi will be built in addition to East Coast–bound Model 3 and Model Y vehicles.
  • While sharing the news, Musk said, “I’ve never been more optimistic or excited about the future of Tesla.”

    During its second-quarter 2020 earnings call, Tesla CEO Elon Musk announced that Texas will be the location of the company’s next Gigafactory. Musk called the location “GigaTexas” and described the plan for it as an ecological paradise with biking and walking trails.

    Construction of the factory already started over the past weekend, according to Musk. The location will be where Tesla will build Model 3 and Model Y vehicles bound for the East Coast. The 2000-acre facility will also be home of the Tesla Semi and the upcoming Cybertruck.

    For the Fremont, California, factory, that location will continue to build Model S and Model X for worldwide distribution and will likely be the facility that builds the upcoming Tesla Roadster. It’ll also be the home of Model 3 and Y vehicles bound for the West Coast.

    Musk said that the location would be an ecological paradise with walking and biking paths. The location will also be open to the public. During the call Musk said, “I’ve never been more optimistic or excited about the future of Tesla.”

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