Reserving a 2021 Ford Bronco? Delivery May Be 18 Months Away

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  • Ford is still saying “spring 2021” for the first deliveries of the 2021 Ford Bronco. Well, technically June is still in the spring.
  • If you still haven’t made a reservation, though, then it’s likely that you won’t get your new Bronco until some time later in 2022.
  • The 2021 Ford Bronco Sport, on the other hand, is still on track to be delivered later this year.

    A big part of Ford’s massive Bronco revival messaging was that anyone interested in owning one of the upcoming sport-utility vehicles should go plunk down a $100 refundable deposit for either the Bronco or the Bronco Sport.

    Ford asked, and people listened. So many, in fact, that getting in line now means an 18-month wait to take delivery.

    When the new Bronco was revealed, we suspected initial deliveries were likely to slip a bit, and it appears we were right. Ford originally said the first 2021 Broncos would be delivered in April, according to Ford Authority, but the new date for the two- and four-door models is June.

    Ford told Car and Driver that, actually, it’s not a delay. “We said first deliveries would start in spring 2021,” a spokesperson said. “That’s still correct.”

    If you’ve put down money for a reservation, or plan to, then you’ll be asked to convert that into an actual order for a specific model and trim this December. While reservations are being taken by Ford online, you will have to work with a local dealer to place your actual order. Ford says that whatever dealer you’re working with will then give you an “approximate date for the delivery of your Bronco” in early 2021.

    The good news for Ford is that enough people have registered that the wait list is growing and Ford is admitting that some reservation holders have a long, long way to go until they get their Bronco. “Reservations have been so popular that some Bronco customers may not receive their Bronco until 2022,” the spokesperson said, adding that vehicles intended for customers with reservations will be built ahead of orders for stock units. That means dealerships will not be getting vehicles to sell off the lot for quite a while, so if you want a Bronco, even with the delay, making a reservation remains the best way to queue up.

    The timeline for the Ford Bronco Sport models is a little different, with reservations being turned into orders this summer and production starting in late 2020 for first deliveries later this year. That’s the plan, at least.

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