Treat Yourself to a New Wardrobe During Blipshift’s 96-Hour Sale

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  • Now through Monday, August 3, stock up on your favorite t-shirt designs from Blipshift’s 96 Hours of BS sale.
  • A mix of classic designs and some new ones will be available.
  • In addition to T-shirts, several baby onesies will be on sale alongside racing-themed socks and watch bands.

    Many of us have missed out on car shows, track days, and Cars and Coffee events this summer due to the coronavirus pandemic, but that doesn’t mean we can’t don our favorite car-themed apparel as we participate in Zoom happy hours with our auto enthusiast buddies. To help upgrade our look, Blipshift is kicking off its annual 96 Hours of BS sale today. It runs through Monday, August 3. A variety of the company’s biggest selling designs will be discounted but, like all Blipshift sales, these deals are available only for a limited time.

    Favorites such as the Flatspiracy Tee with its iconic horizontally-opposed pistons is part of the series, as is the Shiftus Invictus and Tune It Out designs. In addition to T-shirts, Blipshift is also offering discounts on their line of Heel Tread racing-inspired socks and the 100-octane coffee mug.

    Plus, four new baby onesie designs are available so the whole family can wear their love of cars on their, ahem, sleeves. New accessories we haven’t seen before are the automotive-themed watch straps and the USAE trucker hat, so they’re worth a look as well. It doesn’t look like any of the company’s face coverings or masks are part of the sale, but we think they’re still worth the investment at $16 a piece.

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