The 2021 General Rate Increase (GRI) by UPS will hopefully be the last major rate announcement small parcel shippers face when figuring their costs in 2020. It’s been a chaotic and busy year for shippers on many levels, one of the hardest parts being a continual drip of new fees and surcharges from UPS and FedEx. Now, at least, companies can understand the major elements of the rate and cost landscape for 2021 to better prepare for what’s to come.
So, as usual, Transportation Impact has built the industry’s most complete and in-depth analysis of what the 2021 UPS GRI will mean to shippers of all types.
Click the Download button to access the report: Cut the Ship and Figure Out What the 2021 UPS GRI Means to Your Parcel Costs
The post Cut the Ship: Figure Out What the 2021 UPS GRI Means to Your Costs appeared first on Transportation Impact.
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