FedEx has announced the continuation of its 2020 Peak Surcharges for Oversize, Additional Handling, and Smartpost past the previously-scheduled end date of January 18, 2021. While the surcharges are not as high as the Peak Season Surcharges, the market has been anticipating that these domestic surcharges would finally expire next month. From the carrier’s website:
Updated Dec. 16, 2020: FedEx Peak Surcharges
FedEx continues to keep commerce moving and delivering critical shipments to homes during the COVID-19 pandemic.
The impact of the virus continues to generate a surge in volume, and we are experiencing extremely high demand for capacity and increased operating costs across our network this holiday peak season. We anticipate volume to continue to surge into the new year.
To continue providing our customers with the best possible service during this challenging time, we will continue to implement the following surcharges:
Surcharge Name | Applicable Services | Surcharge Amount | Effective Date |
Peak — Oversize Charge | U.S. Express Package Services, U.S. Ground Services, International Ground Service | $30.00 per package | Jan. 18, 2021 until further notice |
Peak — Additional Handling Surcharge | U.S. Express Package Services, U.S. Ground Services, International Ground Service | $3.00 per package | Jan. 18, 2021 until further notice |
Peak Surcharge | FedEx SmartPost® Package Services | $0.75 per package | Jan. 18, 2021 until further notice |
Click here to visit the FedEx website for more details.
Current FedEx shippers should contact info@transimpact.com for an analysis detailing how the extended Peak Season Surcharges will impact their small parcel shipping costs in 2021.
The post FedEx Extends Its 2020 Peak Surcharges appeared first on Transportation Impact.
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