Author name: Chad Crabtree

How to boost sales during the rest of 2020’s unusual holiday season

[ad_1] Gert Svaiko, freelance copywriter based in Tallinn, Estonia The ravaging global pandemic is affecting how people approach holiday shopping this year. While there are various restrictions in different locations, some people tend to stay home and away from crowded places. During the recent Black Friday shopping holiday, most stores were noticeably empty. It didn’t come

How to boost sales during the rest of 2020’s unusual holiday season Read More »

Amazon Business is coming for the construction Industry: Part 2

[ad_1] Luke Powers In Part 1 of this series, I discussed how Amazon Business has its sights set on competing with the construction equipment and parts industry. If it does, it will have a significant advantage in resources, distribution, and ecommerce platform capabilities over the current ways that equipment and parts manufacturers do business. Based

Amazon Business is coming for the construction Industry: Part 2 Read More »

How brands can help make the holidays feel normal when it seems like the world is ending

[ad_1] Megha Parikh, vice president and strategy director at 22squared Alicia Damiano, vice president and brand strategy director at 22squared Analysts are actively attempting to predict how consumers will handle 2020’s post-election, mid-pandemic holiday season. This year will be markedly different than any other the retail industry has ever experienced. And yet, the questions being

How brands can help make the holidays feel normal when it seems like the world is ending Read More »